

Beginning in 2011, student members of the Allen Lab became eligible for a prestigious new award: the Echinaward, or Echi for short.

Echi’s are awarded to students who have achieved a particular honor, fellowship or award directly related to their work in the lab.

Echi Award Winners!

Katie Beth Jones WM MS

For receipt of a Fellowship for Graduate Student Travel from the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology

For receipt of a Charles Lambert Memorial Fellowship Award from the University of Washington’s Friday Harbor Laboratories.

For receipt of a ‘Seed Grant’ from the William & Mary Graduate Student Advisory Board Research Fund

Elisabeth Fink WM ’26

For receipt of an Undergraduate STEM Research Scholarship from the Virginia Space Grant Consortium

Martha Young WM ’24

For receipt of a Sigma Xi Grant in Aid of Research

Nicholas Elsberg and Martha Young WM ’24

For receipt of a Green Fee Sustainability Grant from the WM Committee on Sustainability

Alyssa Wright WM ’24

For receipt of a Mary E. Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at William and Mary.

Chloe Goodsell WM ’24

For receipt of a Mary E. Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at William and Mary.

For receipt of a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi.

Erika Hansen WM ’23

For receipt of a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi.

Abby Hazelgrove WM ’24, Maria Clagett WM ’24 and Alexis Reece WM ’22

For receipt of a Green Fee Sustainability Grant from the WM Committee on Sustainability

Sydney Lenz WM ’23

For receipt of a first-year Monroe Scholarship from the Charles Center at William and Mary

Erin Darby McClain WM ’22

For receipt of a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi.

For receipt of an Honors Fellowship from the Charles Center at William and Mary

Alexis Reece WM ’22

For receipt of the Senior Prize in Organismal Biology from the Department of Biology at William and Mary

For receipt of a Monroe Scholarship from the Charles Center at William and Mary

For receipt of a Mary E. Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at William and Mary.

For receipt of an Honors Fellowship from the Charles Center at William and Mary

Augie Kalytiak Davis WM ’22

For receipt of the Charlotte Preston Mangum Prize from the Department of Biology at William and Mary

For receipt of a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi.

For receipt of a Student Research Grant from the Charles Center at William and Mary.

For receipt of an Honors Fellowship from the Charles Center at William and Mary

Amanda Yeo WM ’21

For receipt of the Senior Prize in Organismal Biology from the Department of Biology at William and Mary

For receipt of a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi.

For receipt of a Mary E. Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at William and Mary.

Brianna Peterson WM ’21

For receipt of an Undergraduate STEM Research Scholarship from the Virginia Space Grant Consortium

For receipt of a Mary E. Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at William and Mary.

Danielle Barnes WM ’20

For receipt of the Senior Prize in Organismal Biology from the Department of Biology at William and Mary

For receipt of a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi.

For receipt of an Honors Fellowship from the Charles Center at William and Mary

For receipt of a travel grant from the Office of Student Leadership Development at the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of a Mary E. Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at the College of William and Mary.

Nina Lesser WM ’19

For receipt of a Vice Provost Award from William and Mary

Matthew Baker WM ’19

For receipt of the Alumni Prize in Organismal Biology.

For receipt of an Honors Fellowship from the Charles Center at William and Mary

For receipt of a Mary E. Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of a Vice Provost Award from William and Mary

Emily Richardson MS

For winning the Adrian Wenner Strong Inference Award in the Division of Invertebrate Zoology at the annual SICB meeting in San Francisco, CA.

For receipt of a SICB Fellowship of Graduate Student Travel.

For receipt of a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi.

For receipt of a travel grant from the American Microscopical Society.

For receipt of a travel grant from the Office of Graduate Studies and Research at the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of a travel grant from the Office of Student Leadership Development at the College of William and Mary.

Anna Klompen ’17

For receipt of the DIZ Best Student Poster Award at the Annual SICB Meeting in New Orleans, LA

For receipt of a Grant-in-Aid of Research from Sigma Xi.

For receipt of a Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at the College of William and Mary.

Kharis Schrage ’17

For receipt of an Honors Fellowship in the Spring of ’16 from the Charles Center at the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of a Ferguson Award in the Spring of ’14 and the Fall of ’15 from the Biology Department at the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of a Reves Center Travel Fellowship from the Charles Center at the College of William and Mary


Karina Brocco French ’16

For receipt of a Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at the College of William and Mary.

Emily Harmon ’16

For induction into the Phi Beta Kappa Society’s Alpha Chapter of Virginia.

For receipt of a Monroe Summer Fellowship from the Charles Center at the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of an Honors Fellowship from the Charles Center at the College of William and Mary.

Stacy Trackenberg ’16

For winning the American Microscopical Society’s Photo Contest at the 2016 Benthic Ecology Meeting in Portland, ME.

For receipt of a travel grant from the American Microscopical Society to support her presentation at the 2015 SICB meeting.

For receipt of a Chappell Summer Fellowship from the Charles Center at the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of a Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at the College of William and Mary.

Salma Abdel-Raheem ’15

For receipt of a travel grant from the American Microscopical Society to support her presentation at the 2015 SICB meeting.

For receipt of an Honors Fellowship from the Charles Center at the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of a Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of a Student Research Grant from the Charles Ceneter at the College of William and Mary.

Lindsey Boyle ’15

For receipt of a Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at the College of William and Mary

Holly Blackburn ’13

For receipt of the Alumni Award in Organismal Biology from the William and Mary Biology Department.

For receipt of an HHMI travel grant to attend the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting in San Francisco, CA.

For receipt of a Student Activities Travel Award to attend the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology meeting in San Francisco, CA.

For receipt of a Dintersmith Honors Fellowship from the Charles Center at the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of the Best Poster Presentation Award at the Benthic Ecology Meeting in Norfolk, VA.

For receipt of an HHMI Travel Award to attend the Benthic Ecology Meeting in Norfolk, VA.

For receipt of a Monroe Summer Fellowship from the Charles Center at the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of a Student Research Grant from the Charles Center at the College of William and Mary.

Shelby Ziegler ’13

For receipt of a Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at the College of William and Mary

For receipt of a Noyce Summer Internship from the School of Education at the College of William and Mary.

Mark Smithson ’13

For receipt of a Ferguson Award from the Biology Department at the College of William and Mary

Jordan Salyers ’12

For receipt of a DeFontes Summer Research Fellowship from the Biology Department at the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of a Charles Center Student Research Grant to fund a research trip to Maine in the fall of 2011.

For receipt of an HHMI Travel Award to attend the Benthic Ecology Meeting in Norfolk, VA.

Daniel Schwab ’12

For receipt of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.

For receipt of the Alumni Award in Organismal Biology from the William and Mary Biology Department.

For receipt of an HHMI travel grant to attend the annual SICB meeting in Charleston, SC.

For receipt of a Ferguson Award from the Department of Biology at the College of William and Mary

For receipt of an HHMI Summer Fellowship from the College of William and Mary.

For receipt of the Bruce Grant Award from the Biology Department at the College of William and Mary.

Kelly Hoolihan MS ’12

For receipt of an Arts and Sciences Graduate Student Research Grant from the College of William and Mary.

Frances Armstrong ’11

For receipt of the Adrian Wenner Strong Inference Award at the annual meeting of the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology.

For receipt of an HHMI Student Research Award from the Department of Biology at the College of William and Mary

For receipt of a Student Research Grant from the Roy R. Charles Center.